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Reinforcement Learning I

Value functionsA policy is used to define the law of actions we need to follow when interacting with the environment, and a corresponding state-value function is defined as the expected reward that...

Study Notes For Fractional Calculus II

Differintegrals for FunctionsProof of Differintegral Power RuleLet .Then by standard calculus, we can have the following relationships,By extending the order of the integral to a real number, we ca...

Study Notes For Fractional Calculus I

Fractional derivative for polynomialIn most cases, when we are calculating different orders of derivatives of a function, the orders of the derivatives we are facing are non negative integer values...

Fast Inverse Square Root Algorithm Explained

Why we need a fast inverse square root algorithmThe inverse square root means for . In the field of Computer Graphics, the inverse square root of a number is usually used for normalizing vectors. ...

A Short Proof Showing Why (1-x)(1+x) Is Different From (1-x^2) During Computation

When computing , we know that catastrophic cancellation may happen when we are computing the minus operation between and when we have close to 1. While this kind of cancellation may not happen w...


折腾了三天,终于算是搞定了这个现在看起来还可以的小窝,记录下整个折腾过程。 模板选择博客的模板我最终采用的是一个叫Volantis的Hexo主题。得益于其高度模块化的设计,使用它搭建个人页面就和搭积木一样简单。鉴于我的整个搭积木过程使用的基本都是前人的工作,再用 “从0开始搭建” 这种比较常见的标题未免会闲得过于自大,因此在这里改成 “从0.5开始搭建”。 开始前的准备工作需要提前安装的应用...